What are the booking options?
You can book Schwabinger Wahrheit both online and by phone at +49 89 55137 8196.
Is there a best price guarantee?
We guarantee the best price for all direct bookings. If you find the same offer cheaper elsewhere, we will gladly match the price when booking directly with us.
Are group bookings possible?
We are delighted to welcome groups. Please contact us by phone at +49 89 55137 8191 or via email at gruppenreservierung@excelsior-hotel.de.
How secure is my data during online booking?
All information regarding data privacy can be found here.
What are the terms for changes and cancellations?
You can find all the information about our change and cancellation policies here.
What are the conditions for cost coverage?
Unfortunately, we generally do not work with cost coverage agreements.
Is it possible to issue an invoice?
We are happy to issue an invoice for you. Please inform our reservations or reception team before your arrival at +49 89 383810.
Can I purchase vouchers?
Vouchers can be purchased directly on-site or by calling +49 89 55137 8141.
What payment options are available at the hotel or on the website?
You can pay in cash, by EC card, with all major credit cards, via SaferPay link, by invoice, or by prepayment and ProForma invoice.
Are there long-term rates?
For long-term rates, please contact our reservations department at +49 89 55137 8196.
What are the opening hours of the reservations department?
The reservations department is available from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and on Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Outside these hours, our reception team is happy to assist you at +49 89 551370.
How many rooms can I reserve?
Our reservations team will gladly assist you with room availability inquiries at +49 89 55137 8193.
Green Option: Can I opt out of room cleaning?
Opt-out of room cleaning and receive 5 Euro per day, which you can redeem during your stay at breakfast or at the bar. Your contribution helps us save resources and protect the environment. Thank you for your support!